Maximize Your Property’s Value: Power of Property Development
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About Us

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Maximize Your Property's Value: Unlock the Power of Development

Maximize Your Property’s Value: Unlock the Power of Development

Welcome to SilverFrogProperties, your go-to partner for construction project management, property development, and investment services. Our team of seasoned professionals is dedicated to helping you turn your property dreams into reality. We offer a wide range of services, from concept development and project management to property acquisition and investment strategies.

At Silver Frog Properties we understand that each project is unique, and we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver tailored solutions that meet the specific needs and goals of our clients. We have a deep understanding of the property market, and we use this knowledge to help our clients navigate the complex world of property development and investment.

Whether you’re looking to build your dream home, develop a commercial property, or invest in the property market, Silver Frog Properties has the expertise and experience to help you succeed. We’re passionate about property, and we’re committed to delivering outstanding results for our clients.

Filip Hanzak

After graduating from the Czech Technical University with a masters degree in construction engineering, I worked for a major contractor in the Czech Republic before moving to the UK and working on a £150 million Broomfield Hospital PFI project for three years.

I used my construction knowledge and experience in the HMO conversion project in 2018 during the planning application process (Article 4 area), the design stage as well as project management.

In my career I have also branched out into financial education and bespoke trading software development.

Filip Hanzak
Stella Hanzak Lewis

Stella Hanzak Lewis

With more than ten years in the field of procurement for the healthcare and university sectors and a CIPS qualification I am now using these transferable skills in property development. Having had my first taste of property investment when I became a landlord at the age of 26 I then progressed to be named a joint director of a property mangement company.

I have taught presentational and public speaking skills through working as a tutor at an Adult Education College. I have also worked for a charity organisation as an Events Coordinator where I was responsible for sourcing the speakers for the Young Leader’s Festival.